
Russell Cannon Winemiller Jr

463. Russell Cannon (Jr)12 Winemiller (Russell Cannon11, William N10, Wesley9, George8, Michael7, Christopher (Stophel)6, Johannes (John)5 Weinmuller, Conrad4 Weinmueller, Johannes "Hans"3, Hans Friedrich II2, Hans Friedrich I1) (#13) was born Harrisburg Pennsylvania January 5, 1920. Russell died March 17, 1998 Harrisburg, Pa, at 78 years of age.

He married Kathleen Earnstine Guisti Harrisburg Pennsylvania, 1939. (Kathleen Earnstine Guisti is #15.) Kathleen was born June 24, 1920. Kathleen is the daughter of Mr Guisti.

Russell Cannon (Jr) Winemiller and Kathleen Earnstine Guisti had the following child:


Bonnie Kathleen Winemiller

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